Loss and Lost

My ex got married today. I don’t know how to feel. He’s still my friend but I’ll be honest, it’s hard to know what to feel because on one hand, I’m happy that he was able to find someone, but on the other hand, I’m still raw from our divorce. I’m still grieving and feeling […]

Last Night Before Huge Changes 

Tonight is the last night I’ll ever spend in this apartment. From tomorrow onwards, my life will be a complete 180.  I have yet to figure out how to live the rest of my miserable life though I have come up with several ways I can shorten it. The only thing it’ll take it is […]

Change Is Paralyzing

Change is terrifying. I think anyone and everyone can attest to this. No one likes change (not initially anyway) and for someone like me, who has been through a lot of traumatic times in my life, who struggles with separation anxiety disorder and a deep sense of abandonment through various periods of my life, change […]

Of Being Kind Despite Circumstances 

So many people have told me that I’m the “bigger person”, that I’ve shown so much grace, patience, and kindness to someone they didn’t think I should even interact with.  The person told me today that they appreciate my kindness so much. That she didn’t think I’d be this way towards her. She said that […]

Persuasion Speech on Suicide Prevention

So my next (and final!) speech will be a persuasion speech to call people to action. And surprise surprise, the topic will be on suicide prevention. I initially wanted to talk about the stigma of mental health and to call people to action in the end to help fight the stigma on campus but my […]

Couples’ Workshop

I won’t go into details as this relates to another person who might not want details revealed but suffice to say that my mental illnesses have definitely caused a huge strain on my marriage. We’ve been married 7 years and I’m still amazed at the fact that my husband has stuck through it all despite […]