Still Fighting

So it has been quite a hot minute since I last wrote anything here, huh? Well, I’m still alive. I’m still anxious. Still depressed. And still ADHD. Those thing have not changed, and I don’t think will ever change. I think I’ve finally come to terms with that and have decided instead to take each […]

Positive and Productive

I’ve been having some major financial difficulties following the divorce (because I have a lot of credit card debt plus having to pay for a car as well as for rent), and as a result, I am technically working 3 jobs. That leads to my inability to focus in school because I’m staying up late […]

Peer Educator as Role Models 

​Volunteering and being accepted into the Peer Educator program has to be one of the best things that has happened to me at school because it’s motivating me to want to get better in my mental health.  One of the expectations that the Office of Health and Wellness Promotion (HWP) have is that all Peer […]

Anxious Thoughts

I have an important post about therapy that I want to write but I haven’t had the time amidst all the courses and work that I’m doing. I’m also headed to a Peer Educator’s retreat for the weekend, to learn how to be a good Peer Educator and to support the campus non-academically. So I’m […]

Fall Semester Begins Soon

T-minus 1 day and 1 hour until school reopens. Eep! I’m both nervous and excited at the same time – nervous because the semester I’ll be starting in the Fall is called the “Gauntlet Semester” where I have 2 classes that are known as the “weed-out” class – Computing 2 (where I’ll learn 3 programming […]

Fall 2015 Grades

Not bragging but I received another 4.0 this semester and I’m extremely grateful, especially since as you all know, I’ve been struggling pretty badly emotionally and psychologically this semester. I don’t know why exactly but this semester had been a mostly downhill rollercoaster ride and I had been more depressed than I’ve ever been in […]

Beginning a New Decade of Life

Today is my final day in my 20’s. I have to say that it’s a very bittersweet feeling because it’s the end of a huge chapter on my life. I feel like it’s almost fitting for me to being my 30’s in a more stable emotional state than when I began my 20’s. I’ve done […]

Questioning My Decision in Career Choice

Maybe I’m having a mid life crisis but I really am having huge conflicts about whether or not I’m doing the right choice in going into Interior Design Technology. I mean I love this field. I love the technicalities of it and I love the creativity side of it. However, I sometimes wonder if I […]

Lifesavers Mental Health Awareness Workshop

At today’s first Lifesavers Mental Health Awareness workshop, when asked what the difference is between mental health and mental illness, I said, “Well, 1 in 5 Americans suffer from mental illness but 5 in 5 Americans have mental health. I guess mental health is something we all have, it’s like physical health. Some people have […]