Social Anxiety

If I could go back in time, one thing I would tell myself would be that it’s okay to tell people “No”, especially when it comes to invitations to hang out, go out, or do a thing. I was what people would call a flaky friend. I would say yes to every invitation. I truly […]

People Care

“I want to die” 4 words I posted on Facebook that gained almost immediate attention from one of my coworkers and an old friend whom I’ve not seen in 5 years. It was touching. In that moment when I posted it, I had meant it. I did want to die. I was overwhelmed and exhausted. […]

Feeling Irritated for Always Being There

Whenever I find out that someone suffer from the same kind of mental illnesses that I do (anxiety, depression, ADHD), I automatically become inclined to talk to them more because I know how difficult it is to feel all alone and helpless. I would almost reflexively tell them that I’m there for them to talk […]

Crappy Week So Far

On Wednesday, I had a great session with S. I told him of my epiphany regarding how the anger and rage I often feel comes from the teenager side of me and that the adult side is broken into two – one is the rational, kind, and caring adult while the other is the nagging, […]

Why I’m Not Posting As Much

I know I promised to write a summary of what I’ve learned from my therapy session a few days ago but I really can’t get around to doing it. With all the studying I’ve been doing these past few days (can you believe it’s only been a week?) and all the other things I’ve been […]

Just What I Needed

It comes as no surprise that this week has been very difficult. I don’t think it’ll ease up until next Friday when my finals will be over. However, that said, I did receive a very heart warming message from a friend whom I really count as one of my closest friends now and whom I […]

What I Am Thankful For

Well, it’s that time of the year. The time where everyone (at least in Northern America) sits back and asks themselves, “What am I thankful for this year?” I think now as I reflect, I have a lot to be thankful for – even if I have been spending the past 3 months being more […]

Trust and Dissociation

Some people wonder why I have trust issues and why I’m so dissociated (I feel numb and emotionless most of the time) but it isn’t entirely my fault. I’ve just learned through many painful experiences that people are not dependable and despite desperately wanting to trust people, I often put my trust on the wrong […]

Left Out

I know I recently wrote about friends and how someone who confesses to struggling with mental illnesses often lose friends because suddenly, you’re a burden to be around. To be honest, this is a topic that is still really really bothering me. In fact, the topic of “friendship” has come up this whole week for […]