Continue the Story

I wanted to write about the therapy session I had yesterday but a piece of news had shocked me so much last night that I feel it pertinent to address. The mental health community has been rocked by the news that Amy Bleuel, the founder of Project Semicolon, has passed away from suicide. She had […]

Of Sex, HIV, and STIs

So I performed my first duty today as a Health and Wellness Peer Educator. I was very excited and happy to be at the atrium of my college’s student campus center to promote sexual health by manning a booth for free HIV/STI testing. I told students about the Office that I represent as well as […]

When “Suicide” Is Nonchalantly Used As An Excuse

Recently, I was in the room when a conversation began between some people. Normally, it wouldn’t have been a conversation that I would’ve been interested in as one of the participants of the conversation, a girl, was talking about getting something cosmetically done to herself. What has made this conversation stick to my mind was […]

Rebranding Shame

This is an inspiring TED Talk. It talks about how preconceptions and labels affect us – this is from the context of those who are affected by mental illnesses. Labels on those with mental illnesses create stigma which could lead to people not wanting to find help because when someone feels judged, why would they […]

The Speech To Make A Difference

Tonight was speech night where I talked about how stress can be beneficial for health. It was anticlimactic and a dull speech but I’ve been struggling so much lately that I just wanted to do something simple and something I didn’t have to spend too much time preparing for. It wasn’t really something I was […]

Artistic Doesn’t Mean Dumb

That moment when you tell someone whose major is Mathematics (or anyone in the STEM field for that matter) that you’re an Interior Design major and you get the “Ahh… So you suck at math” look. And the follow up question, “Well I think you probably won’t be able to handle Computer Science because it’s […]

Haunted Asylums

You know… It just occurred to me that before I was diagnosed with ADHD, Anxiety and Depression, my impression of the mentally ill have been colored by what I’ve been exposed to in the media. The reason I even bring this up is because I saw in a “haunted house” attraction site that one of […]

We’re NOT Crazy

So another mass shooting happened and what’s the first thing to blame? Mental illnesses! That’s right, cuz all of us who are suffering through mental illnesses are just crazy. We’re so crazy that we all want to shoot people. It’s this stigma that keeps people from getting help – especially since everyone’s first assumption is […]