Out of Control

My ADHD is out of control. It’s been out of control for the past week or so now. The Strattera is obviously not helping and because it’s been keeping me drowsy so much lately, I’ve decided to stop taking it. As a result, for the past couple of days or so, I’ve been extremely depressed. […]

Medication Experimentation Update

So I don’t know whether the way I feel is because of the Strattera or whether it’s because I didn’t get weaned off my Ritalin but I feel extremely tired. My head and eyelids feel heavy. I feel the kind of feeling you get when you’re having a sinus infection or a flu or the […]

Medication Experimentation

So I’m back on the medication experiment wagon again. Dr W, my psychiatrist, has decided that I should try a non-stimulant because of how predisposed I am to anxiety attacks. She gave me a trial pack of Strattera and told me to take it per the instructions. I am to take one a day at […]

Of Psychiatric Medications

I saw my psychiatrist today for our regular follow-up meetings. As I waited for her, I contemplated out soon-to-happen session. I had a dilemma because I didn’t really want to be totally honest with her about the last few weeks as I knew that she had been wanting to put me on anti depressants and […]

Medication And Tea

So I’ve been battling a sinus infection since 10 days ago and it’s persistent. It refuses to go away. Well, I thought “Hey, maybe some tea will help…” seeing as tea contains a lot of healing properties. I just realized that taking Ritalin and drinking caffeinated tea (in my case, I’m drinking green tea), is […]

Thoughts on Adderall

I thought to myself the first hour of my taking Adderall how it actually feels to take this medication and now after 5 hours, I’m starting to think that if I write my thoughts and experience down, it might be useful for others who are searching for opinions from others about their own experience. So […]